So that every child has the chance to reach their potential.

We work in the areas that are key to every child's ability to reach their potential: family, education, health and well-being.

We aim to promote a shared vision of children's needs and potential by fostering collaboration and cross-sectoral solutions across all sectors.

Our set of initiatives aims to create systemic change.
Mūsu mērķis ir virzīt valstiski vienotu redzējumu par bērnu vajadzībām un potenciālu, veicinot visu iesaistīto jomu sadarbību un starpnozaru risinājumus.

Mūsu iniciatīvu kopuma mērķis ir radīt sistemātiskas pārmaiņas.



Jānis Erts Georgs Rubenis Kristīne Dambe Zane Karele
CEO and co-founder Administrative tasks and co-founder Co-founder Head of School Relations
+371 26316413 +371 29221006 +371 68204756

Since the first idea of EMU, more than 240 people have been involved in its development and implementation in different formats, most of them volunteering their time to work together to help systemically create an educational environment that provides better learning opportunities for every student.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed their comments, criticisms, evaluations and suggestions - from teachers, principals, school support staff to programmers, graphic designers, testers, methodologists, psychologists, parents, lawyers, data specialists, civil servants, politicians, business people and many others! Without your involvement, EMU would not be what it is today!

Other lines of action

Support Centre

Every Child a Family – works to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up in a family, bringing about the necessary changes in the system, laws and society.

Our goal is to advance a nationally shared vision of children’s needs and potential by promoting collaboration and cross-sectoral solutions across all sectors.

Centrs ZIN

Develops and offers various training programmes for parents and others involved in raising children, providing knowledge, understanding and methods to become a solid foundation for a child’s growth.

Training programmes for parents, trainers, everyone who lives with the child on a daily basis.

Support in mobbing situations

Mobbing support is designed primarily for parents – giving them the tools they need to help their children now and in the longer term. The solution is available free of charge to Swedbank life insurance customers.